Saturday, January 04, 2014


            It has been quite a while. I've been meaning to write since December, but... obviously that didn't happen.  Months of slow changes.
            I quit color guard in early November.  I didn't want to quit; I did enjoy it, but in the end the stress was just too much for me.  I was asked to come back about five more times, but I've had to say no every time.  I was very close to going back—but I'm grateful, in retrospect, that I said no. School is enough to handle!
            Everyone says that college is a time to make mistakes.  How big those mistakes should be is questionable.  My first-time mistake: I forgot to take an exam altogether. Panicked when I realized two weeks later, but all I could do was move on.  Doing my best paid off!  I got a C in the course, the highest grade possible, and got A's in my film photography, gender communications, and anthropology classes.
            I luckily ended with a 3.5.  I need a 3.6 by the end of this semester, at lowest, in order to keep my scholarship for the next semester.  Since that scholarship covers about 85% tuition, I definitely need to keep it.  Despite the stress the new year has already been bringing in, I'm glad to be in a place where I feel like I can do it.
            Since then, I'm taking the Mike Wazowski route and writing my exam dates in bold red pen on my calendar.  Tomorrow will be forcefullly waking myself up at 7 AM so I have at least one day to get used to it.  Hugging my syllabi tight like old friends.  Trying not to miss trains.
            In news no one cares about (continuation, at least), my diabetes is pretty good!  I got a 6.9 A1c when I went last week.  I have a dance class first thing in the morning this semester, and that pleased Dr. Lindsay! 
            With the new year, resolutions abound.  I only made one, and I've been going strong: floss every day.  John Green once gave that advice to everyone (not that I can find it to prove it).  Everything else I've been working on longer.  Don't wait for big change to make your changes!
            Finally, I hope everyone is having a good new year.  Never forget your power in the days of your powerlessness.


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