I llove Tina, my little ball of fluff

I llove Oreo, my motor-powered purr-er

I llove Riggy, my personal foot-attacker (RIP)
And I llove even Yoyo, who isn't really our cat

I llove my siblings (no matter how much I complain!)
I llove my sister Lexie, who pulls faces like no other

I llove my brother Ian... who also pulls faces like no other
(Whom I have no current pictures of, somehow... oh wait! I just took a crappy one!) :)

I llove myself
I llove my parents
I llove my Mom
I llove my Dad
I llove all of my friends, the insane, the normal, the smart, the dumb, the funny, the weird
(My girl scout troop)
(Many friends not piiiiictured...)/Captain Obvious
I llove the Earth
I llove the oceans
I llove the lakes
I llove the trees
I llove the flowers
I llove the animals
I llove the mountains
I llove the deserts
I llove the canyons
I llove the rivers
I llove the things
I llove the places
I llove the people
And guess what?

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