No matter what I am feeling, this song is just what I need to hear.
"I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me."
It's strong language, but so humanizing. Everyone has shit going on all the time. I remember that. You remember that. Then together, we are never alone. No matter what happens to you, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, you are not alone and you are not unwanted.
Watsky makes me want to put a tangible feeling in my work. He makes me want to spit words so high they dissolve clouds and come down again like acid rain. He makes me want to grip your hand and break down sobbing once I've got us both trapped together in our arms.
It's a feeling we all need to remember. That moment when we catch a glimpse of someone unguarded. When they swear because they didn't realize they were crying, and they turn away with their sleeve covering their cheeks. When they apologize for swearing because they think it's out of character, and you say it's okay and laugh a little. Reach out and touch their shoulder and then wipe away your own tears, smiling and trying to will your eyes to not be red when you walk out with them.
All my love. Don't forget to be awesome.
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