In light of my last post, I believe everyone could use a little inspiration. To keep on going, past whatever is bogging us down. Life is practically miraculous. It would be a shame to go through it in fear, or so stressed that everything falls apart, or so sad that we forget that we have people who love us and cats that will let us kiss them (assuming you're a cat person). So take these gifts.
"Go in peace.
Live simply, gently, at home in yourselves.
Act justly. Speak justly.
Remember the depth of your own compassion.
Forget not your power in the days of your powerlessness.
Do not desire to be wealthier than your peers, and stint not your hand of charity.
Practice forbearance. Speak the truth, or speak not.
Take care of yourselves as bodies, for you are a good gift.
Crave peace for all people in the world, beginning with yourselves,
and go as you go with the dream of that peace alive in your heart."
— Rev. Dr. Mark Belletini
'“What the hell is that?" I laughed.
"It's my fox hat."
"Your fox hat?"
"Yeah, Pudge. My fox hat."
"Why are you wearing your fox hat?" I asked.
"Because no one can catch the motherfucking fox."'
— Looking for Alaska, John Green*
Trust the Doctor. He's right.
Make everything OK.
Take a hug. You deserve it. You are loved.
Don't forget to be awesome.
*If you haven't read this, read it! And TFiOS, Paper Towns, all the books! Become a Nerdfighter!
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