Saturday, January 05, 2013

Unexpected Good Days ROCK

        I woke up late and cranky.  Not the best start I've ever had.
        I was a little late to color guard and the floor was fuh-REEZING.  B-b-but we had bathroom parties and bloody mishaps and sock sliding!  And I actually realized that, at this point in the show, I enjoy our music!  The attitude is golden!  Evaluation is on January 19th, and I'm nervous but really, really hope that we start well and just get better and better to a TROPHY.  I WANT.
        I got a hot shower.  Score!  A Supernatural episode.  Castiel, whatcha doin' wit' 'cho life?
        My mom and I went to Savers.  No major finds, but there was a really cute couple. Out loud I would have to describe them as '90s-nostalgic hipsters, just because most people don't know what I'm talking about if I say they look like Rookie readers. We dropped by Gardener Village and went into stores so cute we could all puke* and they would still smell like cinnamon and old-timey goodness. Also, I become a mess of awkward and yarn tangles whenever there's a cute guy around.  Le sigh.
        Had an awesome nap with a warm blanket!  Score again!
        I went to a Catholic mass at St. Therese's with my dad.  In Spanish.  I have been nervous about this all week, and my last statement before going in was, "Estoy nerviosa."  We sat down in our pews and stood out (overdressed and very clearly not Latino) and tried to blend in.  I definitely didn't understand everything the Father said or the choir sang, but I enjoyed it. I was proud that I could understand even the little I did!  It was really interesting.  Everyone knew when to stand and sit and kneel and reply, but we just followed along and didn't feel too strange.  I even awkwardly shook hands at Paz de Cristo! 
        And... I got admitted to the University of Utah!  Fall 2013, I'll be a UTE, baby!  I'm excited and nervous, as with all my life up to this point. : )
        And finally, watched Modern Family with the parents, ate too much patience**, and had both cats on my lap almost constantly.
        Yes.  A long-winded entry of mundane things that still somehow made my day awesome.

        Don't forget to be awesome!

*Please don't puke.
**Don't let the milk fool you. Ours is just sugar, whipping cream, and walnuts. Yikes. Delicious.

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