Wednesday, June 13, 2012


        I once heard that laughter was a biological function to help us cope with something unusual or threatening.  Slap stick comedy suddenly made sense -- I did not want that to be me!  But I still laugh at, "The past, present, and future all walked into a bar.  It was tense!" without knowing (or caring) why. :-)
        I know some people whose laugh makes everyone else laugh.  No matter what.  One of my best friends used to stop breathing for about twenty seconds and then snort, leaving no one without a cramp in their gut from this unseemly exercise of laughing their pants off.  But those are some of the best memories.
        I don't care "why" we laugh -- I just care that we do!  Laughter is as healthy as purring, as long as it's not to the funniest joke in the world.

The "Mormon on Drugs" wisdom teeth removal
Kittens that sound like they're talking
True laughter
It Just Isn't Fair by John Green

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