Now, for those who are unfamiliar with happy boxes... it's a box (yes, really) filled with happiness! Like a scrapbook, but more interesting and less... book-y. One fills this box with things that make them happy! Trinkets, drawings, lyrics, memories, pictures, words... anything!
This is my second happy box. I am not sure how long I've had it, but my first one has become so full that I have to keep it closed with rubber bands. I took this as its message to me: Carry on with it already!
(Ha ha, warning: I go on and on for a while.)
So here's to Happy Box #1!

Pictures of Olivia and Ginnie (covered in tattoo marker) from my 3rd grade birthday party; magazine clippings of words; a 75c sticker from Olivia's yard sale; a kitten drinking milk; a drawing from 6th grade study hall of me professing my love to nachos (that always reminds me of that notebook where we drew and named every type of cheese we could think of, including Harry Potter cheese); a drawing of Shelbie's bathroom from my story from sixth grade about the raspberry aliens (too bad it's lost); my little books from Oakcrest last summer with Cierra, Lia, and Kenna; a bobby pin covered in green hair dye from when I was an Oompa Loompa in the 8th grade Willy Wonka (and a spoon from an after party ice cream trip); my Gonzo spoon from after a camping trip; the bracelet my cousin gave Kenna at Lagoon so long ago; seashells from Maine; tickets to productions at Desert Star; lyrics of a poem my best friend Ryan (Kimberly) wrote in second grade (I remember before she wrote this, sitting outside in the heat singing the "chorus"); and various other articles.

Aw, look! Thing #1 and Thing #2 are already best friends! ^_^
And now, here's to Happy Box #2!

Pictures of flowers; a "SMOKING STINKS!" sticker from 8th grade health class; a bunch of inside jokes; an UNO card (my favorite number and color); the equation for a permutation; lyrics to "Words of Love" -The Beatles; personal little quote thingies (written up by my pretty Remington Quiet-Riter typewriter, whom I lovingly call Remmy); what used to be my favorite color of crayon; "I'M A CHOIR NERD!" sticker from last year at lunch; a little gold rock that reminds me of when we used to visit the copper mine; a cutout of Lio, the comic; lyrics to"I Swear" - John Michael Montgomery; a "Save the Clear Cougars" campaign poster (can I even call it that?)...
Happy Boxes make me happy!
I can't count the times that I've been depressed, and Thing #1 has just cheered me right up! ^_^
And now, other matters! Yaysers!
I've decided that things have to change. I have to stop. Heck, I have to start.
"Stop what? Start what?"
I have to stop being so shy. I have to start talking to people more.
This is not going to be easy. I already know this. I've made it my goal for how many years now to get rid of it? I don't even know. But I know this: I haven't gotten far.
This last school year, I was a little more social than before. But I still only talked in a few classes. (It was my goal for 9th grade. FAIL.)
SO! How will I do it? Um... I dunno. Wave to people? That's an easy start. Say "hi"? That's a little harder, but I bet I can do it. OR, the easiest way: BE HYPER ALL OF THE TIME. Then all of my problems would be solved!
Let's see how my summer goal goes: Become more social.
.... (frightened expression)....
Yes. I can. (face of ultimate determination)
Today I got a package from Susan Beth Pfeffer in the mail! I can't wait to read and listen to the books! ^_^ Thank you so much!
May you all have a fantastically wonderful joy-filled life in the day, week, month, year, decade, century, and millennium ahead of you!
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
Thanks, Doc. That's good advice.
{Peace, Love, and Utter Joy}
Hehehe.... I probably should make that my goal to...