Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Because I Have to Turn This In for Credit

I had a girl scouts meeting today, and I think it went pretty good! We were deciding what we were going to do for summer and what we were going to do this next year. I just realized that I've actually been in girl scouts for a while! And I don't even remember when I started. :)

My notes that I took (for future reference) (that is on my math EC assignment):
Sense, Sensibility, and Sea Monsters
Flute, no singing, rap (English), keyboard, snare and tick
June 9
Community supported agriculture
Favorite food
Raw food movement
One World restaurant
Farmer's market/ crafts
Gold award: backyard fruits, High Road for Human Rights

Obviously, they weren't *all* surrounding girl scouts... I take a lot of notes.
Wanna see my binder notes? Yep, I know you do. :)

All roads lead to Rome
Chasing Vermeer
The Road, Cormack
"Life is a hotel..."
Bryan Adams
"I think, therefore, I am."
A Wreath for Emmett Till
Fear, Carl Zimmer
War and Peace
Pam Laurend (??)
Yesmmra (???)
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..."
"And when I touch you, I feel happy inside. It's such a feeling that my love I can't hide!"
"She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, with a love like that, you know it can't be bad"
'Come, whoever you are... If you come with an open mind, a loving heart, and helping hands, you are welcome here.'
vociferous, discombobulated, malevolent, acrimonious, unaesthetic, harangue, ostracize, diminutive (Leisl), sick
tRNA: amino acids
how many wishes upon this have been made?
Rosaline's point of view
a false death, kisses warm lips, of misery, now lost to Earth
how I wish I could just keep turning back time
midpoint formula, sum of angles, composite number, mode, std. deviation, tributary

Anywho... I write them to remember them... but I don't remember what some of the stuff was for. And much of it has been rubbed into unintelligible scribbles (as shown by "???").

Notes, ah, my love!]

I got to thinking today... I keep a journal. And I know that other people keep journals. But I've never really thought about it. It feels like no one could ever just write everything down like I do. Which, of course, is a stupid thought. But true... Odd to think that other people keep books hidden in their shoes in their closets too...

Know what's weird*? This is the first journal name that hasn't come completely from my imagination. And my journal is a guy.
Know what I think is weirder*? Some people don't name their journals. And some don't think of it as a person. And some people don't even keep journals.
Know what's weirdest*? That I'm telling THE WORLD this.
Know what's the weirdest* most weird-y* weird-some* unbelievably weird* thing? Yes.

And I just realized: My journal is the reason I write in cursive! I started writing in cursive in 8th grade so I could write notes during class and people wouldn't be able to read over my shoulder so easily... And the habit of cursive has not yet (and may never) leave me. I like the habit... on good days when I can read my own handwriting. :)

Thank you for joining Rachel on another random post day that really is not random but feels random enough to call it random so it is no longer random (because once you call something random, it's not random anymore). Have a good evening/morning/midnight snack/afternoon/book reading.

*"different from my experiences"

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