Oh my goosh! A hot air balloon!
The wonderful open-ness!
We stopped at a Flying-J to see if my cousin was working, and even though he wasn't there, there were little farm animals that were adorable! The kids sounded so cute, and there was a wittle bunny-wabbit hiding in the wocks! :) (tee hee)
Aw! Look at the kiiiiids!
The adorableness of the bunny MUST BE RECOGNIZED!
We stopped in Beaver to go to a Cache Valley dairy center thingy-ma-place, where they have great ice cream and some of the best cheese! (In case you are interested in cheese...)
Lexie and her awkward what-you're-taking-a-picture-while-I'm-in-the-middle-of-a-lick? pose.
FINALLY we got down to Vegas, after going through some valley of some river that I told myself to remember the name of and probably forgot just because I wanted to remember... anyway, it was pretty! It reminded me of southern Utah.
In Vegas, we drove down the strip, where I realized that I don't really particularly like Las Vegas drivers... And also that Vegas really does advertise a lot of sex, alcohol, and smoking. This was where my creeped out feeling for Las Vegas originated, I believe, is driving slowly down the strip... But anywho, it was still pretty cool.
Some building that reminds me of a temple of some sorts, and a little bit of a roller coaster. The coaster ended straight up and then went through it backwards. It was sort of cool.
Convertibles, sun-burned people, and elderly people. Yep, that's Vegas.
Crazy limo driver... yep, that's more Vegas for ya.
Wouldn't you just love to see a giant clown in the dark? Yeah... me too.
Blue Man Group!
The little Eiffel Tower!
Oh my goosh! CRISS ANGEL!!!! <3
Once we were in our hotel and everything, we went down to Fremont Street. Fremont Street is a sort of "indoor-outdoor walking street" as Lexie so wittingly called it. The "roof" is the biggest TV screen in the world, so I hear.
In our hotel... don't worry, the rooms weren't nearly as nice as the stuff near the gamblers. :P
Fremont Street! There's that wacky TV screen!
We went around for a little bit, and my uncle bought some funky colored glasses for me. We heard the band Gloriana doing sound check ("Thank you for coming out to this glorious sound check!"), and then decided we would go back to the hotel room. (Yes, that part is important, is it not?) :)
Gloriana! AND THE WONDERFUL SOUND CHECK! (Soon to have a sequel! Coming to an ACM near you!)
"Why do you wear your sunglasses at night?"
"Because when you're cool, the sun shines on you 24 hours a day."
Going back to the hotel room was soon followed by boredom.
But don't worry.
We found a good temporary solution. :)
Yes. This is what happens when I let my mind loose for the sake of boredom. Ahem, Lexie and I both. :)
Later on we met up with Mike from my parents' church, and we went to dinner and had fun walking around on Fremont Street. (I would upload a video of the screen too... but it's taking long to upload videos anyway...)
We saw Gloriana doing their REAL concert thingy for ACM weekend, and that was cool. I think Gloriana may be one of my new favorite bands. (How were the ACMs? Did anyone watch them? I won't get to see them until we get back to watch the recording!)
"How Far Do You Wanna Go?" By Gloriana... First song they did, and I really liked it. :)
Miranda Lambert was performing too, and I was looking forward to seeing "White Liar" by her... well, since it's pretty much the only song I consciously know is by her. :) Of course, since she is more well known she had a lot more songs and a lot bigger crowd. We ended up figuring the crowd wasn't worth it, so we went down to the other end of Fremont Street to see what was down there. There was a guy named TJ Weaver... and he was entertaining. He had a wide variety of music + there was an intoxicated crowd... so the people watching alone was pretty entertaining. :)
Of course, intoxicated people would not be my choice to spend time with, well, ever. So I'm glad that we're out of Vegas now.
Day 2 - When we finally left Vegas, we were headed out to the middle of nowhere again! When I woke up, we just saw an odd roller coaster and a HUGE barn looking thing. Quite confusing to wake up to. :) Those Casinos... they just go all out, man.
THEN we spent the rest of the day just traveling. Travel. Travel. Travel. Bathroom break. Travel. Ooh, raven! Take a picture! Travel. Travel. Gas station. Travel. Darkness falls. Travel. Travel. Travel. Get confused by GPS. Travel. Get confused by GPS. Travel. Get confused by GPS. Get confused by GPS. Get confused by GPS. "You have arrived at the destination."
I must say this: when you fall asleep and wake up to find yourself moving in the dark and realize you have been the entire time, you (well, I) can get quite creeped out at the idea of "holi-crapoli, I'm in a CAR, MOVING, FAST, IN THE DARK, AAAAH!" So now, I am afraid of the following: intersections, freeways/highways, night driving, Californian drivers (they don't even use their blinkers half the time!!), and left turns into oncoming traffic.
Well... wish that I could put up the other videos I had. Have to save it for another time. Day 3 is now over, have to post on IT too! Ba ha ha. :)
Darn... the second video didn't post... oh well.
ReplyDeleteI think the pictures and the captions mismatched...
ReplyDeleteWith my luck? Probably. :) (But that's a good thing, right? Adds *personality*... what personality, I don't know)