Last Saturday (10th) I went to the Girl Scouts award ceremony, where lots and lots of girls were honored and received awards, scholarships, and such of the sort. I received my Girl Scout Silver Award! Yaysers!
We did our silver (and bronze, for the juniors) award projects on environmental things. We participated in a Project Green project, where we did research on idling at local (well, for the rest of my troop) schools, then educated at the schools, giving out stickers, informational papers, talking to the people, and announcements to have kids remind their parents not to idle. Then we compared the before and after. After was better, but I hear that it hasn't stayed so. We need to get it back down again("Turn the key, be idle free!")! We also marked storm drains ("We all live downstream!"), and looked at information on how much energy appliances use (those that heat up or cool down use the most! Irons, hair dryers, air conditioning, refridgerators...). We then held a badge day for juniors, brownies, and some daisies with crafts and booths that educated them all on what we had done. We heard that they all had fun! I hope we'll be able to do something like that again!
Meeting this Wednesday to start thinking about our Gold Award! YAY! I'm excited. :)

My girl scout troop, all looking at another camera. :)

After the awards thing was over, my family visited an antiques store in Salt Lake (If you drive off of that cool ramp thingy you can see a HARRY POTTER BUS in the back!!) :D
I was kinda creeped out when we walked in. It was all dusty, it was quite cold, and there was a big huge stuffed lion that I could see from where we parked (poor lion).

After I got over the initial creepy factor, I was pretty happy in there! The guy running it was alright with us taking pictures... happiness to the extreme! The mirrors, clocks, and furniture in that place was awesome! You don't see stuff that looks that unique (and, eh, sometimes creepy) anywhere today!

Check it OUT! If you look at the middle of the left section of the mirror, you can see a face! Now, maybe someone just drew it in the dust to be funny, but I think it's pretty awesome. (I didn't know it was there when I took the picture...)

Look at that chandelier!
There was a creepy creepy creepy room that gave me the heebie-weebie-jeebies! Dark, broken glass on the floor, I could hear odd noises, a bookcase of boxes that I was afraid something would come out and grab me when I opened them... plus, when I came back with more people, although it wasn't as creepy, we found an interestingly creepy picture of what we thought was an angel being sent down to hell...

A creepy chair in the creepy room in a creepy corner of creepy darkness.

THE picture... interesting, but with a certain really freaky feeling to it...

Close up of the falling angel.

Angels on the left side.

Angels on the right side. Eek... scratch marks.

Not the original box that I thought was going to eat me, but still an interesting box on the shelf.
Anyway, it was pretty awesome!

I have a not-so-secret love for things that are shiny and reflective. Glass, metal, mirrors...

I love the clocks! They're so big and awesome and odd!

I love the little details on this...

The tag on these said that they were from Congo.

This kinda was a little freaky... I think it was the teeth, if not the shrunken heads... but still interesting.

It was fun. They claim to have 40,000 items.