We. Got. THIRD.
:D :D :D :D
It felt like a good run through. Judge the energy level when you walk off the floor, and you know how you really did. :)
For this competition they split Scholastic Regional A (our class) into 2. This I believe was a very good idea. There were going to be 13 guards in this competition. I thought we only stood a chance of getting 5th... again. But, with the split there were 6 groups in Scholastic A, and 7 in Scholastic A Dos.
If you have ever been to a guard competition and stayed even half of the time, you'll know what I mean when I say that it was excitingly boring. I saw some guards I had never seen before, and also some that I hadn't seen since the first competition I went to. It was exciting and fun. Then after about 2 hours Chelse and I couldn't feel our butts, were laughing about names on advertisements, were singing about basketball and baseball, and were bored out of our minds.
Anywho. We we were in line to go in and receive awards. They called participation awards... 3 of them. At this point I was already freaking out ("There's only six in our class! We made it! We made it!"). It took everyone else another moment to realize that our name hadn't been called before "In third place, Copper Hills High with 71.5 points!" I heard that everyone's jaw went down, like the floor was a giant magnet. Although, I only felt my own and saw Kaylien's. :) I was kind of worried about Kaylien (I thought she was going to pass out or something) because she was shaking pretty bad. I guess that's what she does when she's really happy. "In second place, Bingham High with 71.6 points!" At this point, we were still freaking out over our name being called. "And in first place, Fairfield with 72.4 (or something or other) points!" At this point I was really being happier for Fairfield. They had been moved up to our class just the last competition, and to take first is amazing. They were pretty happy too. :)
So, here's the guards I could find videos of! Of course, most are from Payson, and some from Tooele, and the guards tonight were MUCH better at their show. :) Color guard is awesome! Woot woot!
American Fork A Somewhere Over the Rainbow
American Fork Open Mimes
Wasatch Independent Clue
Fairfield Sadly, I didn't see their performance. But to move up at least 2 divisions? They must have been fantastic. :)
WSU Fusion Independent
UVU Envision Independent
Payson My FAVORITE show of all of them. The music is fantastic! :) If anyone can figure out the song this is, I will love you for ever and all eternity...
Mountain Crest Coraline (llove the music too!)
Some other memorable shows were Bear River, forever one of my favorites, with their show The Creationist, Riverton senior ("Taylor! Taylor, pay attention!" "I don't want to learn equations, I just want to dance!"), and Dixie with their show to Nightwish (apparently Chelse's favorite song). Every guard was amazing though! Looking forward to next competition. :)
And another video I found interesting... Copper Hills 2002. I believe that this was the last year there was a CHHS winter guard, before this year of course. Um... yeah...
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