Saturday, December 01, 2012

A Wild Internet Appears!

          All the time.  Forever.  And always.  Right?
          I think I'm definitely on the computer too much.  I'm always stumbling upon something that shakes me up on Youtublrittererbooknews.  Today it's, "Hey girls did you know... (sexist your body belongs to society sexist)?"  Unless it's something like this sort of stuff.

          I don't get people's issues with boobs.
          The idea of "BOOBS" has basically been constructed as exclusively sexual.  A lot of people have issues with mothers breast-feeding in public, because ermagerd berbs.  Many people who've lost their breasts due to cancer feel as if they are no longer a "real" woman because supposedly their breasts are their sexuality.  There's a whole bunch of self-consciousness attached to breasts of any size anyway.  Creating the illusion of boobs being purely sex-u-al machines is only destructive.

          It's especially destructive because the individual has no real say.  Even though I realize that my body is not here for the divine purpose of pleasing others, it's still a little punch in the self-image when I think that maybe I'm not pleasing.
          Once it's built up in our minds, it's almost impossibly hard to overcome. 

          This isn't just a "girl problem", but it's most obvious as one.  So maybe just think about it.  Think about why you think about sex the way you do, and how you feel you should think about it.

          I don't think sex or gender or expression should be a punishment, or a privilege.  You have the right to your own body, your own mind, your own construction of yourself.  Go all white-blood-cell on any unwelcome invaders.

Don't forget to be awesome.

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