We feel good! Oh, we feel so good, hey! (Clap clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap clap, clap clap clap, clap clap clap) Copper Hills High! Whooooo!!
Today were our first parades of summer season of marching band and color guard. And... IT. WAS. FAN. TAS. TIC. ^_^
We got up niiiice and early in the morning to be up at the high school at 6:30 am, but it was all good! The sun was shining, and it was chilly, and the sunrise was really pretty. : )
We got our t-shirts, and we sat around and did nothing, and then the buses came and, yipee ai ay ai oh, we got on! Ginnie was hyper the whole way up... and she started barking like a dog, pretended to lick the seat, and several other "Ginnie" type things. : )
We got to parking, got out and did stretches and a few run-throughs, and then we were going out on the street for the Murray parade! For the first parade this guard has done, I'd say we were pretty darn good (especially compared to last year)! But the best was yet to come. : )
So then at the end, popsicles and off running to go to the next parade that we were supposed to start in half an hour!
Me, "I really need to pee now..."
Ginnie, "Would you like it if I poured out my water bottle? It would flow down like a waterfall... Have you ever turned on the faucet and just watched the water go down the drain?..."
Thanks, Ginnie.
So then off to West Jordan! By that time, everyone I talked to had to pee. :P
Kaylien, "I have to pee too! (high five to Olivia and me, because having to pee is something to be proud of, apparently.)"
Olivia, "Waterfalls... What if the waterfalls were yellow? "
Me, "Shush!"
Kenna, "Lemonade!"
Me, "Just be quiet! Think about something good! Like, bunny rabbits!"
Olivia, "... Bunny rabbits pee in bushes." : )
Then we went out, and... I don't really remember much about the actual parade, except that it was better than Murray was, and that everyone kept on shouting people's names. : )
Then it was over, whew! WATER! (I didn't even care that it was "courtesy of Target", I ignored the hope of customers for WATER!!) We performed for the water, eh, providers, and it was freaking hilarious to watch Alex dancing during a cadence. I literally fell on the ground laughing. Then Olivia came over, I stood up and accidentally whacked her in the face with my flag, and then we both started laughing again. Good times, good times.
Me, "Ginnie, what's wrong?"
Ginnie, "My ankle is killing me again... the flutes decided to skip all the time now."
Me, "Aw, I'm sorry."
Somehow, I started wanting to skip.
Me, "No, that's a chassé! I forgot how to skip! I think I'm going crazy! (looks at Ginnie) Help me remember how to skip! (skips) Ah! I can skip!"
I was hyper the whole way home. : ) Everyone always tells me that they like me when I'm hyper... o.O
Then, home sweet home... lunch, and I fell asleep on a foot of the couch with a pillow on my shoulder and my arm above my head on a bookcase. (Not very comfy once you get up, FYI) : )
Off to Sandy City parade! We picked up Kenna and then we talked about how all the music on the radio is on Guitar Hero and Kenna stuck her head out the window and panted like a dog. ^_^ Gosh darn it, I love her.
Aaaaand... we waited forever! But it was a good forever, so it's all okay. : )
We sat.
Drea, "Did you know the myth that if you release a lady bug, the person it lands on next you're going to marry? And you guys already act like a married couple!"
We stretched.
Olivia, "Ooh, look, a ladybug! ... Why does it keep going away! Stay here, ladybug!"
Me, "It doesn't like you. It's running away!"
... Me, "YEA! I can touch my nose to my knee! I couldn't do this earlier today! I feel like I'm made out of rubber bands!"
... (Planks) Me and Olivia, "Laugh-- six--laugh--teen..."
Layson, "Do you always laugh when you count?"
(How interesting first grade would have been if I always laughed when I counted...)
... (putting our heads on the ground) Me, "I can see the sun! And those bushes have a lot of spider webs in them."
Olivia, "I can see the sun too! Ha ha... bunny rabbits pee in bushes."
We practiced.
We... peed! ^_^
Me, "Seriously, why do they call them the Honey Bucket? If that's honey..." (Olivia and I's faces) :P
...Drea, "I actually didn't need to pee, I just didn't want to be left behind."
We played!
Me, "Ooh a note!"
Kayla, "It's trash!"
(I hand it to Kenna)
Me, "I really wanted to go up to her gasping, 'Here! Take. It!' and collapse... but, it didn't really work out that way."
(Everyone should have seen Eduardo's face as he threw it away...) XD
We played Ninja! It's actually the first time I ever played it, and I only ever got people out because I screamed when they came towards me, so they stopped, then I got their hand as they were laughing at my face. ; ) And we played!... that!... one!... hand tangle-y game! It did not end well.
And then the parade started, eventually! Somehow, my dad secretly stalked us the whole time... I only saw him on the corner the very very last part of the parade. o.O
WE DID AMAZINGLY! I think it was the best parade of the day. : ) Looking at film of the guard, now, I see that we looked even better than I thought we were (but the video where we looked the best was taken when the reeeeally loud music was playing, so this is second best! And also, we had a tank in the back of us the whole time! Who knew?? I didn't.) : P
The better sounding one...
The better looking, the not sounding...
We can only get better from here... Monday's gonna be rockin'. ; )
{Peace, Love, and COLOR GUARD AND BAND!!}
Ha ha, and sorry for going on and on... if I could remember every detail of every parade, I would! So this is my chance to get it all down! X)
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