Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eighties, Ninties, Hairbands, Nikes

My brain has become overloaded. Skinny ties, feathered hair, mid-calf skirts, bodysuits, leggings, scrunchies, khakis, crop tops, Doc Martens, plaid, over-sized sweaters, Chucks, jelly shoes... AGH! Fashion is just too weird. Way, way, way weird. And yet... oddly enticing...

I've spent my day looking at fashions from the 80's and the 90's, which somehow led me to the thought of tying jackets around your waist... when did people start doing that? Obviously when they got hot, but when I was in second grade, it was the "fashionable" thing to do (well, as fashionable as an 8 year old who likes patterns and picks out their own clothes can really get). If anyone has an answer to the jacket-waist mystery (which I will just call "jelly" now), I'd be interested in knowing. Was it invented by the second graders, who soon turned into third graders, and the second graders were so afraid of them that they thought they would be more fierce too if they performed the jelly? Or maybe not... because I bet not all second graders were so terrified of the third graders as I was. : P

While I was looking at the nineties, I found GAP commercials. I love them now, I think. Now I love the songs "Mellow Yellow" (and Donovan in general) and "Wild Elephants". Ah, gotta love finding new muzik!! ^_^

Anywho. Now I really wanna go to D.I., so that I can scour around for stirrup pants (which I really really loved in second grade too) and acid wash jeans. One's trash is another's treasure.

I was looking through my dad's '84 senior yearbook today too (which I found in the process of cleaning out the basement). I loved looking at the pictures, because pretty much all of them were in black and white, and the fashions were sometimes hilarious to look at. All of the hair looked the same. The only way it looked different is that the girls wore it curlier, and some guys had facial hair. Ba ha ha ha ha! But hair aside...
Pet peeve alert! Turns out the spelling of "your" and "you're" being confused was just as much of a problem for high school students in 1984 as it is now, 26 years later. And it made me laugh when on the page for the literary magazine had "preperation" and the wrong spelling for "their". Someday I'll really go crazy because of English. Yes, English, you.

Random thought: "Don't laugh at me when I'm telling you I love you!!" I love Kenna deprived of sleep. : )

My mom says that I was born in the wrong decade. I agree... except that I'm in the right decade now, and just wish I was born in the other decade, since I do actually sorta like this decade. My mom pointed out that if I was in the 80's at my age, then I would be almost as old as her now. So yeah, 2010, you say? Sounds good to me.

(Do you say "twenty ten" or "two thousand ten" or even "two zero one zero"? Or maybe even "ten greater than twenty centuries"?)

Because I'm all caught up in the music now. : ) Madness is amazing! I heart them!

"Sun and the Rain" by Madness

Also love: "Baggy Trousers" The first Madness song I ever heard.
"Cardiac Arrest"
"House of Fun"
"Our House" The one that everyone's probably already heard before.
Trust me when I say that the videos are amazing on their own too. : )
Madness, Madness, Madness... love, love, love... : D

May your life be filled with love and, well, Madness!

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