Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bear Cub to Grizzly

I went over to Jordan Hills on a whim during a bike ride... I always ride by, it's been so long since I've gone to the playground, might as well, right? I sat on the end swing for an hour and just stared at everything. At first it was more like, Oh, the weather is fantastic. All the clouds are just streaking out across the sky... that means now it's raining somewhere else, yea them. Then I looked over at portables, and all the memories started coming back to me...

Sitting under the air conditioners on the portables while it rained or snowed.
Going down the slide and making a "train", and hurrying to get off before the aide turned around and saw us.
In first and second grade having swing wars, and "stirring the witch's brew" with the swings. (I'm not small enough to get away with it now, sadly.)
Climbing across the spider and monkey bars on the little kid's playground.
In second grade, missing the end of recess bell while Ryan and I played with icicles by the rainbow, and not figuring it out until I got scared of how many third graders there were.
Making faerie and bug houses in the corners of the playground, with tumbleweed roofs and rocks for tables and chairs.
Sitting on the hill by the fire hydrant with my friends while we guessed how many feet away our crushes were while they played football.
Reciting the dream, "Shelbie, come with me to ALA-BAAAA-MA!" while tossing grass into the air for the snow.
Playing kickball by the backstop and watching people run all the way down the hill to get the home-run ball.
Being upset when they took out the tire swings. (And to think that was my biggest dilemma...)
Swinging next to my friends and trying to grab their hands.
If you swung in sync with someone next to you, you were "married".
Playing double dutch every recess in sixth grade.
"Down down, baby, down by the roller coaster. Sweet sweet, baby, I'll never let you go. Shimmy shimmy cocoa-pop, shimmy shimmy roooo, shimmy shimmy cocoa-pop, shimmy shimmy roooo. I've got a boyfriend (mamasita!) He's so sweet (mamasita!). Apples on the table, peaches on the floor, step back, baby, I don't need you any more! To the front, to the back, to the side side side, to the front, to the back, to the side side side. Shimmy shimmy cocoa-pop, shimmy shimmy roo, shimmy shimmy cocoa-pop, a boy loves you!"
Playing helicopter saying the alphabet, and the letter you got out on was the first letter of the person you'd like.
Olivia accidentally being pants-ed.
Playing horses.
Sliding down the hills in the winter.
Playing hands-up-stands-up by the fence.
Waiting for the snow to make a puddle for ice on the hill.
Seeing if we had enough balance to walk all the way across the rainbow or the spider.
Digging around in the gravel in the shade of the slide when it got hot.
Being Spiderella in the fourth grade plays, and tripping after the line "Hold on, these shoes are really hard to walk in..."
Tossing water balloons on field day.

And so many more. : ) I miss elementary school. Those were the good easy days.


  1. Haha, that made me think of a bad experience I had on the rainbow... It was a painful experience. I was walking across it, like I did all the time, and I had gotten pretty good at it. I was showing my friend, slipped at the top, and a leg went on either side of the top middle bar. Ow, it hurt bad, I laid down for like the rest of recess on the hill just next to it.

  2. Oooohhhh, oooowww... ha ha I'm glad I've never experienced anything painful (or at least, painful enough to remember) on the playground. :)

    Oh! And Marco Polo on the jungle gym, and shadow tag on the field, and in third grade freaking out because I didn't know where to go for the first day of choir...

  3. And spinning around on rocks by the fourth grade doors, and the shapes they made were our "symbols"!
    And Olivia slipping outside the lunchroom on the ice, "Save the doo-!"
    A third grader in pink footie pajamas on pajama day telling us second graders that our pajamas were dumb.
    Riding our bikes into the gravel after hours, seeing how far we could get before we couldn't move anymore.
    : )

  4. Making up conspiracy theories about that big pole they installed, that the principal was an alien. :)
    Olivia being scalped in fourth grade.
    When Olivia killed all of the fish in 1st grade. (It's okay, I love you, Olivia)
    Sitting in a circle with the tarantulas going everywhere while we had snacks in first grade.
    Almost getting a white slip because Josh and Steven kept talking over me during testing in first grade.
    Writing a hate note to Phillip in first grade.
    Mimicking the teacher and getting in trouble in first grade.
    Josh telling us ghost stories for... like, ever... :) (I have a lot of memories of first grade)
    Miss Secrist having a sign saying when my snack time was in third grade, and assigning someone to watch me test my blood sugar every day. :P
    Hayden acting afraid of me in third grade. :D
    Josh being pants-ed in first grade by Steven.
    Having a drawing contest in first grade for a substitute, and being really mad when my drawing of a vampire lost to a drawing of a high-heeled shoe.
    Flipping one card (the whole year) in third grade and almost crying. (What a wimp I was)
    Being afraid that Chuckie was in the bathrooms.
    I miss it so bad. :D
