Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Band Is My Other Family

Yesterday, I had band (again)! But, this day was different! I received an F- during stretches, but at least I was having fun. ; )
We practiced dancing to pep band music (I always want to cry when they play "Nothin' But A Good Time"), and then headed off to the Days of '47 Float Preview, and played there. It was nice to see how many people were nodding along and dancing while we marched. I felt like such a fool standing in front of the stage doing shampoo, conditioner, lawnmower, disco, wax on/wax off, shopping, bubbles, penguin, disco, sprinkler, fishing, swimming, driving, party, and Apache (in that order) dance moves over and over and over again. -^_^- But it was all good anyway. I think it's one of the only days that I've actually woken up completely hyper. : D

At dismissal, Cody wiped off his face after we finished, where it just happened that I would have been spitting on him from standing there. I could have died. X D

We left off to Lagoon, and I lost the game with Dria (who I always am losing with, now), and we played bus ninja. : D
I don't know what to say about being at Lagoon. Would "FUUUUN!!!" be alright? We ran into Brittany and Jessica while we were there to.
"What walks like Brittany but looks like band? (/singing)"
"Um, what?"
"(Silence...) Brittany."

We went on Rattlesnake Rapids ten times in a row! If you are considering doing this for some reason that may or may not have something to do with a quick spurt of insanity, you probably shouldn't. Or at least make sure that your bags do not have any holes in them, and end while the sun is still up. I was shivering the rest of the night... and this morning... and the day during marching band... and when I got home... but I feel better now, thank goodnessness.
I was overcome with stress of "school's almost starting/fall marching band/what? what? what?/What if I fail a class??" on the bus ride home though, and my glucometer wasn't working after getting wet (but it works again, yea!), hence some frown-y faces when I got home. : / All of the times that I've loved my bed that much have been after a long night of marching band!

Today when I got up for band, I didn't get up for any other reason. My shoulders hurt, I was still freezing, and I felt sort of like a monster. And not a fuzzy cute one at that. *w*

Once I finally got to the high school, we were told to just stay out for a little bit longer, and that we wouldn't be doing any marching or music that day... to which I was relieved.

We went inside, and Andrew started talking to us. He started talking about how we all have problems outside of marching band, but that we should walk in the door and leave all of our problems there, because marching band is a different place. "Now go outside, and when you feel that you have sufficiently left your problems there, come back in." It didn't take long and it was silent.

Andrew told us to form a circle. The circle was large and full of gaps. He told us that we had just showed him how we felt as a band. "How do you want to be?" He asked us. We all scooted in. He started taking people out of the circle. The first time, it took a couple seconds for us to fill in all of the gaps again, but then we just filled them all in one by one until they were a small circle, but just as tight together. "You can't have a circle if you don't have all the parts," he said. We opened up and let all of the people back into the circle again.

Then we started saying everything that we liked about summer in general. My favorite things were "Seeing all of the people - especially special needs - get so happy when we passed by at the parades," "Being told my dancing was suggestive (Layson)," "Being able to teach you guys (Scott)," "No school," "Bluh bluh bluh bluh! (Mary)," "Seeing all of your guys' faces light up while you think about all of these memories," and "Hand check! (Kolby)"

Then we started talking about goals for the marching band in fall. Since I don't remember what some people said, I figure I'll just combine anything I heard into my own goals for the band in fall:
For guard to out-perform Chase and Eva
For everyone to feel like they're getting better, and that they can get even better than that
To travel for shows (Las Vegas, anyone?)
To be a marching band that other marching bands will want to be like
To take 1st at least 3 times
To take 1st in all areas
To practice just like we'll perform it; every run-through like it's our last
To have band united, so we are one band, not one person in one section of one band
To take every bit of criticism we receive and learn from it
To feel like we've accomplished something fantastic, regardless of placement : )

Then we did the spiderweb with yarn, where each person we tossed it to we had to say something nice about them. I've decided that Lia is way too much of a sweetie. : )

(Enya - "Caribbean Blue" because Enya was playing now)

Then finally, my favorite game. (Oh, by the way, guess what I just lost?...) We sat in the circle again, and Eva numbered us 1,2,3... 1,2,3.... "Now, group one stand up. Anyone who's still sitting, close your eyes. If you think of someone when I say something, tap them lightly on the head." I'm not sure how long the game lasted, but I wished it had lasted longer. "The point of the game is to get warm fuzzies inside," Andrew had said, and boy, was he right. I wanted to cry, probably at least twice during this game. I don't remember what some people tapped my head on, just "Who is a good example of kindness?", "Who do you have the best memories with?", "Who would you want to have a baby with? (Which I only got one tap on, thank goodness, and I'm hoping to high heavens whoever it was was joking)", "Who would you be most likely to go to jail with?", "Who is a good example of honesty?", and "Who do you want to be like when you grow up?" When it was my group's turn, I felt happy. I hope that whoever I tapped on the head felt just as good as when they were tapping my head, even if I tapped them on "Who can you always count on to tell you a dirty joke?" (Scott was worried that he had gotten so many taps on that one). ; )
One of the happiest moments I was up there was when I saw Kaylien was holding hands with Braedon and Carlie on either side of her with her eyes closed.

I tapped everyone's head I could get to in the amount of time on "Who has made you smile today?" If I missed you? Tap.

After the game was over, I was calmly over-joyed, to put it sort of sensibly. "Now, whenever you feel like you're ready to leave, you can go, but you can stay as long as you like." People started standing up, and I just turned to Kayla and Stephanie and said "I love you" and gave them a hug as Enya continued to play in the dark from the speakers behind me. I don't think I've ever felt happier after band, or more connected with all of the people (I guess I got to the point of the day, didn't I?). And now I feel like crying again. :' )

While I was riding my bike home, Scott passed by me honking, and everyone in the car waved. That made my day for the billionth time today. I smiled the whole way home. : )

In the words of Malcolm, "Work like you've nothing better to do, and love like you've never lost."

I love you. Really. No matter how much you might doubt it that I love you, or that anyone loves you, for that matter, it's still true. I love you, and I know that so many other people love you too.

And just so you know? I'm not only talking to band people. ; )

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