ILY: my favorite hand signal, you know, ever.
I love the dark. And I love the stars. One day -when I can move out and live on my own- I want to live in the mountains or the countryside. Somewhere where the lights are just a distant glow on the horizon, and there are a billion stars shining overhead.
THE WORLD: One thing that one person can't save, sadly. I wish people cared more about their thoughts and actions...
I was listening to the West Side Story fall music last night. That was a great show. I miss it so much. But I'm still glad to be where I am in color guard, too. That music (plus "Nothin' But A Good Time" from last summer) is an almost sure-fire thing to make me happy.
It's extremely entertaining to just sit in a bush and watch the spiders and beetles and bugs go by... it's peaceful.
I'm trying to go completely vegetarian (since for quite a while I've only really eaten poultry). Now I feel bad because I ate Ramen. Never again...
My cats are absolutely adorable. Tina can literally turn on her cuteness whenever she wants something (she can self-fluff in the time it takes to say "awwww"). Oreo is sick of being indoors (Oreo and Tina are indoor cats), and he's got spring -summer, now- fever. He always runs out whenever anyone opens the door. I'm always happy to sit outside and watch him while he rolls in some dirt and smells the grass... I know that I wouldn't ever want to be stuck inside all the time. Probably the complete opposite.
In color guard, I made rifle line! That means, I'll be able to do rifle in the fall show, and we're doing extra practices now so that we'll be really good when fall show comes around (still so stoked to be doing Styx). Everyone on rifle is learning really well, I think. Everyone who's on flag is learning really well, I know. Our guard this season is... insanely fantastic. We haven't had any drama (a miracle) and we're all turning into pretty good friends. I'm so glad to be stuck with such a good group of girls, with such a good group of instructors, in such a good group of a marching band geeks.
I don't really have a favorite color that comes to mind straight off. It was blue when I was younger. Last I knew it was either green or black. But, I don't know how anyone should expect me to choose one color and call it "my favorite, my beauty, my love", because they're all my favorites, my beauties, and my loves.
Hm. Some people still think it's creepy that my pinky is bent. "Woah! Did you break it or something??" I always remember fifth grade rotations, learning a little bit about genetics. Anyone with bent pinkies held them up next to each other... most were about as bent out as my pointer fingers. Ha ha... everyone freaked out about mine for a while....
What if for one day, everywhere you went, everything was silent? You could hear people talking, and they could hear you talking, but you could hear nothing else. No cars, no dogs barking, no horns, no thunder, no wind, no footsteps... As if you had gone deaf to the world?
The library is such a brilliant place. I'm thankful for my library card. My lovely, bent, hiding library card.
It's weird when people die. I think the song "God Only Cries For The Living" says how it is almost perfectly. I feel sad when people die, not because the person is gone, but because other people have to go on with the person gone....
Humans; how weird we are. Why do we stand on two feet? Why are our heads so big? Why do we have toes and heels? Why do we think too often that we're better than every other living thing in the world??
I haven't started much on my summer homework. I should, because I'm really helping no one by not doing it - especially not myself. To Kill A Mockingbird... why do you seem so daunting?
It's always nice to talk to people.
Word of the day: Icarus
"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours; if it doesn't, it never was." -Unattributed
{Peace, Love, and More Peace and Love}
You could read "To Kill a Mockingbird" as an audiobook...