Now, it's midnight. 6 minutes ago, I decided that I kinda sorta hate Facebook. And from that, spurted out of my mouth (eh, fingers) that I was going to not use it for a whole day. That's a whole 24 hours. And from that, I figured, "hey, I don't need any of this! No social networking for me!" and since I promised myself all of this, so it shall be. No twitter, no Facebook, no buzz, no chatting. No status updates, no "hey, look at me! I can balance a spoon on my nose!", no "dude, that's weird*". I am limiting my contact on the internet to, well, email, and these here blogs (because really, I couldn't torture myself more). And I'm going to try to refrain from those here-after as well.
Maybe I'll find that I like it. Maybe I'll, you know, start really only talking to people in person and on the telephone (which I keep wanting to say "telly" for, but isn't that for the TV?). LIFESTYLE CHANGE! BRILLIANT, GLORIOUS, WONDERFUL LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I can see it. In the distance. Far off in the distance. But, you know, I've been working out in marching band and with my bike rides, so the distance doesn't seem so far away if I squint, turn my head sideways, spin around a few times, and imagine myself in ultra-comfy shoes.
(While it's in my mind. I don't want to complain, so I'll try to keep it as simple as this... Band: Be quiet when appropriate, do your stretches, and do your push-ups --or, better yet, stay at attention! Oh my stars, SIMPLENESSOCITY ALERT!) ^_^
On another topic, the Seventeen Project just ended, and for the final sort of project thingy majig I dunno what you'd say, they're putting pictures into the flickr pool of your message to mainstream media of what you are! I think it's pretty much awesomely brilliant. I love reading what everyone said. ^_^
I'm worried. About flickr, because I love it too much too. Should I give that up too? YES. Oh gosh. I make it harder by the second. I just need a quick search for kittens, and I'll be done... *deep breath*... oooh! Look at it! It's so cuuute! (tjmmaol... "that just made me awww out loud." Too long, maybe? ... aol? Ha ha. Not...) Oh. My. Flipping. Goodness! My mom "aaaawww"ed too at this one. Reminds me of a freaky little wrinkly gecko. The cutest freaky little wrinkly gecko I ever did see. This. That. "AWWWWWW... It's so cute!" (mom). "Does that cat have glasses on?" (mom again)
Stop. Stop, Rachel. Stop, right now. Or you never will, and you know it. No, no! Not "just one more..."! You have to have self control. That's what the next 23 hours 31 minutes are all about.
Okay, me. I'll behave.
Good, I. Good, I. You can do it, I.
I know, me. I can do it.
And you should stop doing this, too, I.
Yes, me, I will.
(Darn. My mom wouldn't let me stop looking up adorable kitten photos. Whenever you're bored... search for pictures of kittens. Or puppies, if you're a dog person. But puppies don't really do so much for me. Kittens. Lovely. Cute. Adorable. Insanely adorable. Double triple that's-six-times adorable. Yes. Kittens.)
Goodnight, all!
(Must... resist... status... update... about sweet talking an annoyed cat... ) D:
"Insert quote about kitten here." - Me (really truly. I talk to myself so I can quote myself.) : )
{Peace, Love, and Oh My Stars, Kittens!!}
*different from my experiences
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